Documents & News

Rules and Regulations (January 2010)

As part of the annual meeting, the board of directors approved the LePointe rules and regulations.  Thank you to all, especially Terry Catalano of Citi Properties, for the hard work.  This was indeed a major undertaking.  Owners: Please be sure to download a copy of these rules and provide them to your tenants.


Annual Meeting and Dues (January 2010)

We had an excellent annual meeting.  Minutes are available as a Word document.  Dues are always a concern, and the board is pleased to report that the condo fees will remain at $150 per month.  This is one of the lowest fee rates in town.

Cameras (January 2010)

Cameras have been installed and are connected to a digital recorder.  The video will be accessible to the LePointe board members only.  The video will not be available to the general public.  Cameras not only provide additional security, they may also reduce owner/renter insurance.  If you have insurance on your condominium, check with your insurance agent to see if cameras will result in a discount.

Graffiti (December, 2009)

Someone with way too much time on their hands has decided to paint our trash dumpster.  This costs all of us money to have the dumpster exchanged and reduces our property value.  If you see anyone involved in this senseless act, please notify the police.  Unfortunately, this act was committed prior to having the cameras operational.  Should this happen again, we hope to have video to turn over to the police.

New Management Company (September 2007)

Our management company has changed from Boothby to Metcalf.  A welcome letter has been mailed to you with the new contact information.  The LePointe board of directors is excited out this change.  Not only has Metcalf done an outstanding job of keeping the property value high at other condominiums, we will once again have Sabrina in charge of our facility management.  Sabrina stayed on top of things when she managed us while working for Boothby, and we look forward to working with her again now that she has moved to Metcalf.

Website (September 2007)

Our website went online on September 6th, 2007.  We have a lot of work to do, but hope that you will find this to be helpful and informative.  Our efforts will continue to make the site more attractive, and we will do our best to keep the documents current.

  • 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes (Word)
  • Rules and Regulations (PDF)
  • Metcalf Welcome Letter with contact information, Sept 2007 (Word, HTML)
  • Electronic Draft Authorization Form, Sept 2007 (Word, HTML)
  • Articles of Corporation (Tif Image, PDF)
  • Declaration of Condominium (Tif Image, PDF)
  • Bylaws (Tif ImagePDF)
  • Insurance Declaration Page (PDF)